Yeah!This is a blog for you to learn English in a funnier way!!Here you can listen to real English,practice your vocabulary and grammar and...who knows..maybe, you´ll meet new people. Hope you enjoy and learn a lot from it.

Sunday 11 March 2018

Proyecto Kahoot

Hi!!!! Chic@s de 3º y 4º!! Tenéis hasta mañana a las 5 para poder enviarme los enlaces de vuestros Kahoots.
No aceptaré los que lleguen más tarde. Os recuerdo que son 3 de vocab  y 3 de gramática de los temas 1 al 5 + 8 preguntas de cultura británica. 38 en total.

Ah, poned vuestro nombre en el título del Kahoot ( muchos pusisteis " 2ª evaluación")

Algunos habéis tenido problemas con los enlaces, mañana lo vemos en clase.


Wednesday 7 February 2018

3rd ESO ( Unit 5)

Just to check you've understood the contrast between the Past Simple and the Past Continuous.


Monday 29 January 2018

3rd and 4th of ESO

Check out the exercises I have chosen for you to practice. Look at the right side of the blog.

3rd: don't do those exercises called " Past simple or Past Continuous". We'll do them in the test in March. Remember: you will be asked Past Simple and Past Continuous but without the contrast in the test we have on Friday.
